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EC4safenano survey about demand and supply of services for safe use of nanomaterials and nanotechnology

Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Identifying knowledge tools and services safely manage nanotechnology

With pleasure we announce the launch of the European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, EC4safenano. This Centre will be developed over the next three years to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and daily practice by providing science based expertise to help others to safely manage this new technology. Because 15 European institutes from different countries work together, the expertise will be broadly supported and harmonized.

With this survey, we make an inventory of the demand and supply of services in the field of nanosafety. These will be matched and used to define expertise that is needed in daily practice. 

By contributing to this survey, you have a chance to give directions to the expertise that will be developed, ensuring that your needs and/or your services are covered.

You can further increase your influence by becoming a stakeholder in one of the focus networks  and - for your organization - as an Associated Partner of EC4safenano.

We kindly invite you to complete this survey and distribute it in your network.

Note that answering all questions will take approximately 20 minutes. It would be greatly appreciated if you can complete the survey by September 15, 2017.

The anonymized results of the survey will be shared with all respondents through distribution of a summary report. The following link will direct you to the survey:

Thank you for your valuable contribution!