The overall objective of the EC4SafeNano project is to develop a distributed Centre of European organisations for Risk Management and Safe Innovation for Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies. The project is structured around a core consortium of partners and an enlarged community of associate partners (APs). To network existing nanosafety platforms and other stakeholders and involve them in the definition and the preparation of the European hub of services and support, EC4SafeNano a Focus Network is formed which consists of subject-specific Focus Groups. The Focus Network is accessible to everyone upon becoming a registered member by joining as associated partner.
- Focus Group Research, addressing the production and sharing of scientific results and knowledge, especially in the fields of physical, chemical and hazard characterization, exposure evaluation, risk assessment, but also on safe by design principles, on life cycle assessment (LCA) and waste management and their translation to the EC4SafeNano Centre services.
- Focus Group Policies and regulations, addressing tools, methods and knowledge supporting the development and enforcement of regulations.
- Focus Group Education and training, addressing the production of content and training modalities for the elevation of the knowledge level of actors involved in the value chain such as researchers, workers at industrial processes, HSE managers, Safety units, transporters and all support or downstream industrial actors, but also users, labour representative, experts involved in regulatory bodies and the general public.
- Focus Group Standardization and certification, addressing the implementation of good practices and quality supporting systems, especially regarding tools and methods used for data production, supporting expertise on relevant measurands, instruments and methods to be used to produce reliable data for risk assessment and regulation.
- Focus Group Safe technological innovation, addressing the development or the upgrade of nanomaterial related products and processes in order to enhance industrial competitiveness.
Focus Network consisting of the Focus Groups and their interlinkages with the EC4SafeNano Centre

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