The EC4SafeNano Centre offers several dimensions of cooperation serving several purposes including:
- Experts from the International Advisory Board (IAB) will be associated with the activities of the Centre to bring international vision and experiences and to elaborate, with the members of the Centre, the global solutions needed for nanosafety.
- Focus Network (FN) are thematic and cover topics that will be addressed at European level. Contributions from European leaders and stakeholders within the Focus Networks help to quickly solve any arising issues, to consolidate opinions and build a European vision (even if there is still unresolved uncertainty) in order to make risk related decisions. They will be involved in the design of the EC4SafeNano Centre, among others as potential customers and/or providers of services.
- National Hubs will enable interactions within the national context for economics and regulations. Participants work in their national language and there is proximity for exchanges which supports the dissemination of knowledge and good practices.
These dimensions of cooperation will enhance the robustness and the relevance of the advice and services provided by the EC4SafeNano Centre for stakeholders across the innovation value chain.