Outcomes of "The Promotion of Safe Nanotechnology through Global Networking Workshop"
The workshop took place as part of Eurotox 2019 conference on 10 September 2019 15:00-17:00 (UTC/GMT: +3:00) at room Veranda 4, Finlandia Ha
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The workshop took place as part of Eurotox 2019 conference on 10 September 2019 15:00-17:00 (UTC/GMT: +3:00) at room Veranda 4, Finlandia Hall located in Helsinki, Finland.
Eurotox 2019 was chosen as the venue for our workshop. Eurotox was a 4-day international congress (from September 8th to 11th 2019) featuring a variety of learning and networking opportunities focused mainly on toxicology (including nanotoxicology). More than 1,600 stakeholders from 63 countries took part to the congress representing academia, business and government (Eurotox Congress).
The aim of the workshop was to Promote Safe Nanotechnology through Global Networking. To reach this goal, the workshop aimed to identify:
- common vision of joint needs
- synergies
- collaboration schemes
Programme of the Workshop
15:00 Welcome, Anna-Kaisa Viitanen, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland
15:05 EC4SafeNano - European Centre for Safe Nanotechnology, Anna-Kaisa Viitanen, Finnish Institute of occupational Health, Finland
15:30 Extending Nanosafety to Emerging and Converging Technologies: A Natural Progression, Sally Tinkle, Science and Technology Policy Institute, USA
15:50 Safe nanotechnology – Actions in South-America, Ricardo Azevedo, University of Brasilia, Brazil
16:10 SweNanoSafe: National platform promoting nanosafety, Bengt Fadeel, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
16:30 Open discussion, Moderated by Hannu Norppa, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland
16:55 Closing remarks
Interactive platform
Abstracts and main outcomes of the discussions are available at the following link: https://ec4safenano.in.howspace.com/welcome
Type: Project related news
Second pan-European survey for (1) anticipated needs and (2) current resources regarding nanosafety services
The survey is addressed to Experts on Industrial Safety, Occupational Safety, Public Health, HSE Regulation etc.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
We are pleased to launch our second pan-European survey for (1) anticipated needs and the (2) current resources regarding nanosafety services, and we kindly ask for your contribution. The survey is addressed to Experts on Industrial Safety, Occupational Safety, Public Health, HSE Regulation etc. in EC or EC agencies, Industry and industrial associations/trade unions, Regulatory bodies, NGOs, Research organizations and Universities.
- The following link will direct you to the EC4SafeNano questionnaire for nanosafety needs. Through your contribution to the survey, you will influence the final design of the Centre, and ensure that it properly addresses the actual needs. Your participation will also provide you early access to the survey results. Answering all questions will take around 10 minutes. It would be greatly appreciated if you could complete the survey by Friday 25 October 2019.
More information at http://www.ec4safenano2.eu-vri.eu/Survey_Run.aspx?ID=985
- EC4SafeNano is currently supported by over 50 service providers, and is constantly open to new entries. If you are interested to join EC4SafeNano as an Associated Partner, please use the following link to register your expertise and equipment, by Friday 25 October 2019.
More information at http://ec4safenano.eu/registration-service-providers
Note: Current Associated Partners who provide nanosafety services are also kindly requested to go through the registration process.
Type: Project related news
Access to information on nanomaterials on the EU market
The European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials gives access to information on nanomaterials on the EU market in 23 languages!
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
ECHA publishes a new website that gives citizens, workers and professionals access to information on nanomaterials on the EU market in 23 languages. It is the first phase of the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON).
The EUON offers a unique web-based information point with factual and neutral content about nanomaterials on the EU market. The observatory is targeted at a wide audience including consumers, workers, regulators and scientists.
On the website, you can read about what nanomaterials are and where they are used. Information on health and safety issues, research, regulatory and international activities are also part of the EUON’s first phase.
"With the EUON, we aim to create a reliable source of information on nanomaterials. They are used in many every day products and it is therefore important that workers and consumers in the EU have access to objective and easily understandable information on nanomaterials," says Geert Dancet, Executive Director of ECHA.
Nanomaterials are regulated by the same EU legislation as any other chemical substance. Depending on how they are used, nanoform substances are managed under many regulatory regimes by different EU authorities.
The potential hazards and risks resulting from the use of nanomaterials have to be assessed case-by-case as for any other chemical. However, more safety information is still needed for many of the most commonly used nanomaterials. As all substances under REACH, the burden of proof is on the industry putting nanomaterials on the market as a substance, part of a mixture or an article.
The observatory will be further developed in the coming years with new content to meet the audiences’ needs. The EUON will also carry out studies and make use of external databases and publications.
Type: News from the network
EC4SafeNano Survey Results are Out!
EC4SafeNano Survey Results are Out!
Monday, February 11, 2019
In 2017 a survey was organized to identify the needs of different stakeholder groups and information about each person and their organization, their needs for access to expertise, knowledge and services regarding nanosafety was collected. For the service suppliers, information was obtained about their ability to provide technical services for testing and measuring, or/and their ability to perform consultancy and desktop studies.
The results can be accessed from the leaflet below:
Thanks to the stakeholders who participated in our survey!
Type: Project related news
Promotion of Safe Nanotechnology through Global Networking
FIOH is organizing a workshop in coopertion with EUROTOX 2019 congress for the “Promotion of Safe Nanotechnology through Global Networking”
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
The EC4SafeNano project partner Finnish Institute of Occupational Health is organizing a 2-hour workshop in coopertion with EUROTOX 2019 congress for the “Promotion of Safe Nanotechnology through Global Networking” on September 10, 2019 in Helsinki. A detailed agenda will be available soon. Entry will be free for the conference participants! For more details on EUROTOX 2019 and to submit your abstract for EUROTOX conference visit the EUROTOX 2019 website.
Type: Project related news
NanoSafety Cluster Winter 2019 Newsletter is Out!
Nanosafety cluster
Monday, February 25, 2019
The NSC Newsletter Winter 2019 newsletter is the first of regular updates from the NanoSafety Cluster Coordination Team in 2019. The updates are aimed at increasing the visibility and transparency of the breadth of NSC activities that projects, Working Groups (WGs) and members can get involved with. You’ll find out about the team members and the NSC’s current regulatory, industrial, scientific and international reach, as well as upcoming events. READ HERE

Type: Project related news
EC4SafeNano Survey Results are Out!
Survey on current needs of member states, European Commission and EU agencies, private stakeholders and NGOs
Monday, November 5, 2018
The EC4SafeNano survey results on current needs of member states, European Commission & EU agencies, private stakeholders and NGOs and on resources at the level of competences, equipment and services.
In 2017 a survey was organized to identify the needs of different stakeholder groups (EU member states, European Commission & EU agencies, private stakeholders and non-governmental organisations ), next to the inventory of competences and infrastructure of service suppliers. Information about each person and their organization, their needs for access to expertise, knowledge and services regarding nanosafety was collected. For the service suppliers, information was obtained about their ability to provide technical services for testing and measuring, or/and their ability to perform consultancy and desktop studies.
The results can be accessed from the leaflet below:
Thanks to the stakeholders who participated in our survey!
Type: Project related news
BAM represented EC4SafeNano at the 7th SolTech Conference in Würzburg, Germany
The 7th conference "Solar Technologies Go Hybrid", 3-5 October 2018
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
The 7th conference "Solar Technologies Go Hybrid", which took place from October 3rd to 5th at the Hotel Melchior Park in Würzburg, attracted more than 150 participants. Scientists from the five participating Bavarian universities (Key Labs in Bayreuth, Erlangen-Nuremberg, LMU and TU Munich and Würzburg) as well as representatives from industry and invited international experts exchanged insights on the current state of research in the field of photovoltaics and the conversion of sunlight into chemical energy.
Group photo SolTech Conference 2018
The conference was preceded by a two-days workshop of the student members of the consortium, where laboratory tours and know-how transfer took place. The EC4SafeNano partner, Dr. Valentin Kunz from Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), gave a talk in one of the workshops for 25 graduate students on “Working in the public sector (e.g. at BAM)” where he introduced the project to the students. Furthermore a poster was also presented on “EC4SafeNano - European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies”.
Please visit here for more news.
Type: Project related news
NanoSafety Cluster Autumn 2018 Newsletter is Out!
NanoSafety Cluster News
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
The autumn edition comes with the updates of an incredibly busy summer packed with meetings and conferences. The issue mainly features the Young Scientists’ NanoSafety Forum which took place on 10-11 September in Malta and the joint OECD/NanoReg2/GRACIOUS workshop which took place on September 12-13 in Paris. The issue also provides updates on new projects and news from key NSC projects and initiatives.
Download the issue here: https://www.nanosafetycluster.eu/newsletter.html
Type: News from the network
EC4SafeNano attended "Nano in Belgium" - 2018
On 1st October 2018, EC4SafeNano partners from VITO attended the 2nd Workshop "Nano in Belgium" - 2018: Occupational health protection
Monday, October 1, 2018
Following the success of the 1st ‘Nano in Belgium’ Workshop which was focusing on the interplay between regulation and research, the Belgian EU-OSHA Focal point in the framework of the 2018-19 “Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances” organized the 2nd workshop aiming to raise the awareness of the risks posed by chemicals in the workplace.

The poster presented by the EC4SafeNano partners from VITO
During the event, the EC4SafeNano partners, H. Witters, S. Vercauteren and P. Berghmans from Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Belgium presented a poster on the updates of the EC4SafeNano project and its progress on building the European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies. Also, the following oral presentations were delivered by the VITO colleagues:
- Work safely with nanomaterials: the VITO case by S. Verstraelen
- Nanomaterials in consumer products by M. Poppel
- Exposure to inhalable nanoparticles at the work floor: how to determine by E. Frijns
The workshop promoted a culture of risk prevention and established strong links with the state-of-play updates on national and EU-level regulations and the findings from various Belgian research projects.
Type: Project related news
EC4SafeNano Annual General Meeting
EC4SafeNano Annual General Meeting was held in Athens from 18-20 September, 2018
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
EC4SafeNano Annual General Meeting was held at NCSR DEMOKRITOS in Athens during 18-20 September 2018 with consortium partners and International Advisory Board members. The project partners made important decisions regarding the work programme for the last year and IAB members reviewed the work done so far and provided their valauable advice to increase the impact of the project.

The EC4SafeNano partners and IAB members during the AGM in Athens
Type: Project related news
EC4SafeNano participated in NANOTEXNOLOGY EXPO 2017
International Conferences & Exhibitions on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, 1-8 July 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
NANOTEXNOLOGY is the largest technology, networking and matchmaking annual event in Europe and it includes the premier and Internationally established events. NANOTEXNOLOGY explores the opportunities in the emerging fields of Nanotechnologies, Organic & Printed Electronics and Nanomedicine. NANOTEXNOLOGY brings together over 2,000 researchers, scientists, engineers, business, technical and policy professionals to promote research and industrial collaborations, identify priorities and strengthen the innovation ecosystem. EC4SafeNano took part in NANOTEXNOLOGY2017.

EC4SafeNano partner, Dr. Effie Marcoulaki, Senior Researcher at System Reliability and Industrial Safety Laboratory, National Centre for Scientific Research, Demokritos, Greece, presenting at the 14th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN17).

EC4SafeNano exhibition at NANOTEXNOLOGY2017.
Type: Project related news
Call for Online Expert Evaluators: EIG CONCERT-Japan
EIG CONCERT-Japan are looking for experienced scientists and researchers interested in reviewing the call for “Functional Porous Materials”.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Type: News from the network
Prof. Dr. Albert Duschl gave an invited talk at TOXILATIN 2018
Prof. Dr. Albert Duschl (University of Salzburg) gave an invited talk at TOXILATIN 2018 on June 4, 2018
Monday, June 4, 2018

Prof. Dr. Albert Duschl (Department of Biosciences, University of Salzburg) gave an invited talk at TOXILATIN 2018, Latin American Congress of Clinical and Laboratorial Toxicology on June 4, 2018. His talk titled “International consortia for the advancement in standardization of methods in Nanotoxicology and their regulatory contribution” addressed the EC4SafeNano project and his contributions.
Type: Project related news
€100 billion for FP9 "Horizon Europe"
The EC announced the proposed budget of €100 billion for the next EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme- Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

On May 2, 2018, EC announced the proposed budget of €100 billion and the name of the next EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme : Horizon Europe (2021-2027). With Horizon Europe, EC is enacting an evolution by building on the success of the past of H2020 in putting the best foot forward for the future.
Type: News from the network
Public consultation on the draft EFSA guidance on the risk assessment of the application of nanoscience and nanotechnologies in the food and feed chain: Part 1, human and animal health
Call from The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for a public consultation on its draft guidance for the risk assessment of nanoscience a
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has opened a public consultation on its draft guidance for the risk assessment of nanoscience and nanotechnology applications in the food and feed chain. The guidance covers the relevant areas within EFSA’s remit, such as novel foods, food contact materials, food and feed additives, and pesticides.
The new document takes account of scientific developments that have taken place since publication of the previous guidance in 2011, particularly studies that offer new insights into exposure assessment and hazard characterisation of nanomaterials.
It also considers nanospecific considerations relating to in vivo/in vitro toxicological studies and outlines a tiered framework for toxicological testing, and proposes ways to carry out risk characterisation and uncertainty analysis.
Comments to the risk assessment approaches can be submitted until 4 March through this online platform:
Type: News from the network
NanoSafety Cluster Newsletter Out Now
The winter newsletter of the NanoSafety Cluster has been released
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Issue No. 11 - Winter 2018

Type: News from the network
Fourth SAF€RA joint call on the themes "New technologies and the effects of major changes in industry" and "Measuring and monitoring safety performance"
SAF€RA's fourth joint call on industrial safety concerns the impact of new technologies and industry changes, and the measurement & monitori
Monday, November 20, 2017
SAF€RA has launched its fourth joint call for transnational, collaborative research projects. The call aims to foster collaboration between researchers from different countries in Europe and from different scientific disciplines, in order to improve safety and the management of technological risks.
The call topics are:
- T1: New technologies and the effects of major changes in industry
- T2: Measuring and monitoring safety performance
For more information, please visit the call website at www.call.safera.eu.
Type: News from the network
EC4SafeNano Open Workshop on June 20, 2017 in Malta
The EC4SafeNano consortium partners gladly invite you to join them in Malta on June 20, 2017 for the EC4SafeNano Open Workshop!
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
The open workshop will focus on the results of the survey “ Identifying knowledge, tools and services to safely manage nanotechnology” (http://ec4safenano-forms.weconext.eu/identifying-knowledge-tools-and-services-safely-manage-nanotechnology). The responses to the survey as well as the discussions during the workshop will influence the design of the EC4safenano Centre and ensure:
- that your important issues will be addressed by the Centre
- that the catalogue of services will be relevant
- you can provide services through the Centre, if you wish to do so
The workshop is organized around two high points:
- Morning: Presentation at the Standardization Day organized by CEN (Note: different location!)
- Evening: EC4 survey Working Cocktail (including general presentation of the results and discussion)
Further details (e.g.: locations, exact times…) can be found in the
<span class="file media-element file-default" data-fid="44" data-media-element="1"></span>.
For late registration, please contact the project office at [email protected].
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question.
Type: Project related news
EC4safenano survey about demand and supply of services for safe use of nanomaterials and nanotechnology
Identifying knowledge tools and services safely manage nanotechnology
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
With pleasure we announce the launch of the European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, EC4safenano. This Centre will be developed over the next three years to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and daily practice by providing science based expertise to help others to safely manage this new technology. Because 15 European institutes from different countries work together, the expertise will be broadly supported and harmonized.
With this survey, we make an inventory of the demand and supply of services in the field of nanosafety. These will be matched and used to define expertise that is needed in daily practice.
By contributing to this survey, you have a chance to give directions to the expertise that will be developed, ensuring that your needs and/or your services are covered.
You can further increase your influence by becoming a stakeholder in one of the focus networks and - for your organization - as an Associated Partner of EC4safenano.
We kindly invite you to complete this survey and distribute it in your network.
Note that answering all questions will take approximately 20 minutes. It would be greatly appreciated if you can complete the survey by September 15, 2017.
The anonymized results of the survey will be shared with all respondents through distribution of a summary report. The following link will direct you to the survey:
Thank you for your valuable contribution!
Type: Project related news
“Nanosafety 2017” will be held from October 11-13, 2017, in Saarbrücken, Germany.
Monday, March 6, 2017

Nanotechnologies are considered as key enabling technologies. Their applications are based on effects arising from the promising properties and structure of the building blocks of nanomaterials.
Sustainable development and implementation of these technologies demand:
- Safe production and usage of nanomaterials
- Detailed understanding of interactions between nanoobjects and living organisms
- Knowledge transfer of scientific results to support socially relevant aspects
Your are invited to discuss the state of the art, future needs, and developments in these fields in the “Nanosafety 2017” conference.
“Nanosafety 2017” will be held from October 11-13, 2017, in Saarbrücken, Germany.
- Abstract submission: July 1, 2017
- Early registration: August 11, 2017
- Late registration: September 9, 2017
For further information please see this link and the conference website www.nanosafety2017.de.
Type: News from the network
2nd Open meeting on Standardisation for Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials
The 2nd Open meeting on Standardisation for Nanotechnologies & Nanomaterials will take place on June 20, 2017 before the EuroNanoForum
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Nanotechnology is one of six Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in the current European industrial policy. An extensive European mandate M461 for developing standards on nanotechnology-related topics is under way.
In the frame of the M461 mandate, a second Open Meeting on (Standardisation for) Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials is organised by CEN/TC 352 "Nanotechnologies" in collaboration with CEN CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC), the European Commission (EC). The meeting will take place on the 20th of June 2017 in Malta.
The aim of the Meeting is to present progress of the work within mandate M461. The main CEN Technical Committees (TC) involved (TC 352 on Nanotechnologies, TC 195 on Air filters for general air cleaning, and TC 137 on Assessment of workplace exposure to chemical and biological agents), will show and explain their preliminary results. Poster sessions on standards under preparation will allow a direct dialogue between participants and experts.
Also a Round Table will be organized with practitioners, researchers and policy makers on e.g.:
- The role of standardisation in the acquisition of reliable nanomaterial data and in the curation of data into interoperable nanomaterial databases.
- How to anticipate and address risks raised by nanotechnologies?
- Needs for standardization in the framework of EMPIR or Horizon 2020.
- Applications of nanomaterials in control technology including nanofiber filters
- Application of control technologies in nanomaterial manufacturing plants
The discussion will also be focused on the overview of Research projects and their impact to the Standardization activities.
Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment will be addressed in collaboration with EC representatives.
The steering and organising committees are finalizing the programme and the venue in Malta, but we already invite you to save the date for this one-day meeting and circulate this document to your entire network.
This conference is open to everyone who registers in advance, and participation is free of charge. You will be informed when the registration starts.
For further information, please contact: Patrice CONNER, CEN/TC 352 Secretary,
Type: News from the network
EuroNanoForum 2017
The EuroNanoForum biannual conference, now in its 8th edition, has grown since 2003 into the most significant European forum in its field.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The EuroNanoForum biannual conference, now in its 8th edition, has grown since 2003 into the most significant European forum in its field for scientists, industrialists and policy makers. This edition will be organized in Malta on June 21-23, 2017.
ENF2017 will review the latest developments in nanotechnology & advanced materials and discuss their contribution to European manufacturing across all industries.
The discussion this year will also be extended to framework conditions like education, standards, regulations, IPR and safety issues, as well as entrepreneurship and industrial policy. The program includes sessions on finance and funding through European and National programs, in particular Horizon 2020, smart specialisation and public-private partnership initiatives.
The event is organised under the auspices of the Maltese presidency of the European Union and in cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.
Further information available at http://euronanoforum2017.eu/
Type: News from the network
NanOEH2017 Conference
Join the NanOEH2017 Conference in Elsinore, Denmark May 29th – June 1st. The deadline for abstract submission is 28th February 2017.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The NanOEH2017 Conference is approaching. Five keynote speakers present themselves and their keynote on the conference website so please visit http://nanoeh2017.dk/scientific-program/keynote-speakers/.
Session overview and abstracts
Here you also find the preliminary program and a session overview – many of them already with a session abstract and the names and titles of two invited speakers http://nanoeh2017.dk/scientific-program/session-overview/.
Missing abstracts and invited speakers will be added.
The conference has 14 sessions with in total 48 open slots for oral presentations to be selected from the submitted abstracts. The organizing committee will evaluate the abstracts shortly after submission.
Please note that deadline for abstract submission is 28th February 2017, so if you aim for an oral presentation, please be sure to submit before the abstract deadline.
The deadline for Early Bird registration is 31th March 2017.
Type: News from the network
Industrial Workshop on Safe-by-Design
EC4SafeNano together with several H2020 projects organizes a workshop on Safe-by-Design.
Monday, April 24, 2017

A number of H2020 funded projects are working on various aspects of the Safe-by-Design (SbD) concept and all rely upon industry to understand its meaning and how to use the tools being developed in these projects. Disseminating this knowledge to a wider audience will help in the acceptance and uptake of SbD by companies and will also allow the projects to learn more about stakeholder needs.
A workshop that allows knowledge exchange between various SbD projects as well as listening and learning from different stakeholder groups (industry, academia, regulators, insurance, consumers) can help adjusting research, dissemination and exploitation strategies accordingly. This ensures project outcomes and tools are relevant long after the project has officially concluded.
Workshop Objectives
- Introduction of the Safe-By Design concepts to a wider audience
- Development of new relationships between the Horizon 2020 projects involved in Safe-By-Design and industrial stakeholders
- Bringing together industrial companies who can benefit from the use of Safe-By-Design
The workshop will start on April 24, at 12:00 p.m. and will end on April 25, at 13:00 p.m.
Participation is limited. Please notice that via your application you only confirm your interest in attending the workshop. You will be contacted by the organisers for further information.
Deadline for application will be March 15, 2017.
Registration link: https://www.bionanonet.at/component/chronoforms5/?chronoform=form2
Type: Project related news
Workshop on Nanomedicine & Contrast agents
A two-day Workshop on Nanomedicine & Contrast agents for PhD students in Maastricht.
Thursday, October 27, 2016

On October 27-28th 2016, Nano4Imaging organizes a two-day Workshop on Nanomedicine & Contrast agents for PhD students in projects ITERM and NanoMILE. The workshop is open for participants from industry and academia, and can host another 10 participants. The workshop focusses on the clinical importance of contrast agents, as well as the current toxicological problems with many of these agents. The workshop venue is the loverly Chateau Bethlehem Teaching Hotel Maastricht. Speakers include Prof. Jelle Barentsz (Nijmegen), Prof. Fabian Kieslsing (Aachen), Dr Iseult Lynch(Birmingham).
Draft program (12.09.2016). More info on the workshop website.
Type: Project related news
NanoMILE at Nano-Metrology Summer School
NanoMILE partner IUF will present the basic principles of nanotoxicology
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Knowledge gained through NanoMILE will feed IUF's presentation at the
Organized by the FP7 Project SETNanoMetro, the Summer School aims to illustrate and discuss the most recent advances in the synthesis, characterization, testing and application of nanoparticles with controlled properties.
The school is addressed to PhD students and Post-Docs with a background in Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Regenerative Biology and Medicine.
For more detail and for registration, please see here.
Type: Project related news